Thursday, March 17, 2011 at 1:13PM
We are starting the "Great American Aran Afghan" knit-a-Long this week. We are going to try to do a block every 3 or 4 weeks. These are squares that you can join into a full size afghan, or a smaller lap blanket, or a few pillows. This project can be as big or as small as you want it to be and to be done at your own rate so no pressure!
The first block this month is "Carol Adams". It is one of the easier ones. I am going to ease everyone in slowly.
Most of us are using Berocco Vintage (worsted). I love this yarn. It knits up so nice, feels squishy and is washable. The price is right too.
Join us!! If you can't start this month start as soon as you can.
Email Me for more information
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