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Wife, Mom, and a Knitting fanatic who loves to spread the addiction around. It is all about artistic expresson.


Entries in waldorf (5)


Hello Dear Blog

 Fatty Lumpkin (rav link)


It has been just over 2 years since I last did any blogging.

~I have moved to Laguna Woods, in South Orange County and love it.


~The boys have grown up and are on their own


~We remodeled our little condo.


~Scott's mom (on the left) moved up last January

My mom on the right. Don't they look like sisters?


~I am still going up to San Gabriel Valley on a weekly basis to see

my knitting friends and help them out with their knitting. 


~I am still just as obsessed with knitting, crochet and all things fiber.

Vegas Sonnensegel (rav link)



~Life has settled down and I find myself looking for my next thing. 

I am in a "what do I do know with my life" stage.


This is a first. Even when I started College I know what I was going to be doing and did it starting at 16.  I have always had lots of direction and goals for my life that where very real and things I worked on every day. From playing and teaching flute and piano, to directing bell choirs for 25 years, being a mother and wife and becoming a Waldorf teacher. When I retired from that I began working and teaching out of the yarn store until it closed and the started Marvels of knitting from my home. There has always been a lot filling my life. 

Since we moved, all my "jobs" have disappeared  and I find myself with the world in front of me and not knowing which way I want to go. I am not even sure what makes me happy except for my husband and knitting. 

Our health and what we need to do to be vibrent has been front and center for both of us. I have taken up dancing and go to a dance studio to workout several times a week and have met some great friends there. 

One goal I have is to make friends with my kitchen. I would love for it to become a happy place. I want to learn to make some good whole foods, ferment foods, sprout, kombucha etc.  

But I have to say that over the last two years I have cocooned myself. It is something I needed to do and I am very greatful to have the oppertunity to take the time for myself.  

Now I am looking for other ways to express myself. I went back and looked at my blog. I like my blog. As I looked it over it brought back lots of memeories and I remember how much I did enjoy it. 

So as a way of stepping out of my cocoon I am going to start writing again. I am not sure what I will write about. I'm sure it will be a mixture of all the things in my life as before. But mostly, I just want another way of getting out there again just to see what happens. 


So Hello Dear Blog!




Moment in Time


{this moment} - A Friday Ritual started by SoulMama.

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.

Have a wonderful weekend!



Happy Easter

Spring Prayer by Emerson
For flowers that bloom about our feet
For tender grass so fresh and sweet.
For song of bird and hum of bee,
For all things fair we hear or see,
Father in Heaven, we thank thee!

For blue of streams and blue of sky,
For pleasant shade of branches high,
For fragrant air and cooling breeze,
For beauty of the blooming trees,
Father in heave, we thank thee!

Make it a wonderful day!! Blessings to you.



Do You Feel it Coming Around the Corner?

School started in South Pasadena yesterday. All of my jobs have revolved around the school year.

Private flute and piano teacher
Director of Handbells at my church
The "Waldorf" inspired pre-school that I had at my house when the boys where young.
Then I became a real Waldorf teacher for 9 years.

June has always meant that my schedule got lighter and I would have free time. We always spent August away somewhere and September meant the beginning of not just the kids schedule filling up but mine too.

Now the boys don't live here most of the year, I have retired from teaching and handbell directing, and my life can often be the same day in and day out.

But yesterday, even though the weather outside is far from "fall like" I sat on my front porch with Miss Claire watching all the kids walking to school with their new backpacks and it just felt like fall.

The start of school gives me the hope that fall really is on it's way. We may have weeks of hot weather ahead but I can smell sweater knitting just around the corner.

I found this on flickr. Waldorf teachers and parents have been "felting" scenes like this for a very long time. Take a look at her other felted dolls they are wonderful.

Nushkie Design's

I want to start needle felting like this again and making
Nature Tables that will celebrate the Seasons once again in style.


Halloween Fun!

Here are some pics of my Halloween decoration. Thanks to Mary I was able to get pics off my phone onto my blog. Wow, that is a lot of technology for one day, at least I had a lot of knitting time to balance it out!

My Ghosties

From my Waldorf School Days I have a Nature Table. It has lots of witches, pumpkins, and spiders. You don't get it all with this phone camera, But it is better then nothing.

Table View 1

Table View 2