Tidy Mind, Tidy Stitches 2kcbwday3
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 at 1:15PM
Day 3 of "knit and crochet blog week"
Our Topic today: How do you keep your yarn wrangling organized?
I have been laughing hysterical since I went around taking pictures of all the different places that I have knitting paraphernalia.
Now, in my defense (I know I am speaking to the choir here but I still feel like I need a defense), I am running a knitting business from my home.
But Holy noodle, I have stuff everywhere!!! My house is rather neat and except for the smallest bedroom being a craft room you really have no idea that I have so many things in this house. That's got to be good right?
As for how I organize the yarns I tend to put them together by weight, then fiber. It seems to me that I am looking for a weight of yarn before I am looking for a color or certain fiber.
And now I present the Stash Show!!