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Wife, Mom, and a Knitting fanatic who loves to spread the addiction around. It is all about artistic expresson.


Entries in charity (1)


Craft of Hope for Haiti


Craft Hope for Haiti Shop Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time
"spreading seeds of hope, one stitch at a time"


Craft of Hope was started by Jade Sims and has been creating handmade items to share with those that are in need. They have had some very successful projects but their Haiti project has taken off over night.

Craft of Hope has created an Etsy shop with a 100% of the proceeds going to Doctors Without Borders

Edit: 1/25/10 - Over $27,000 raised and over 1400 items sold!
That is a lot of product being donated by a lot of artist and a lot of product being listed and organized by just a few woman.

The creative community is the best. If you have wanted to help the people in Haiti and just not sure where to send your money this may be your answer.