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Wife, Mom, and a Knitting fanatic who loves to spread the addiction around. It is all about artistic expresson.


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Bergamo Shrug from Weekend Knitting

This Great little shrug is one of the MANY things I have on my needles right now. I will slowly add the others over the next week, or two, or three. There are a lot of things going right now.

I am using Rowan RY Cashsoft. I love love love this yarn. It is so soft and is marvelous to knit with.

I have finished the back and the sides and I am starting to pick up the stitches for the boarders. Picking up stitches is always a "more then once" proposition. It usually takes me two or three times before the right number of stitches appear on my needles.

On the left side I needed 96 stitches total. I had to do it 3 times before that happened evenly. Hopefully the other edges will go faster.

This is the first of my Christmas knitting!!
I am not behind yet!!

Reader Comments (3)

Your website is very cool!

May 17, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

I'd like mine in a nice green please :-)

May 17, 2006 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Ward

Congrats on your blog! I didn't know you had started one, until I read about it on sknitty. What a great surprise. I'm looking forward for the shrug being done so I can ogle. Knit on!

May 18, 2006 | Unregistered Commentermary

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